Join Amala and her new friends
– Vata, Pitta, & Kapha (the three elemental energies), on an enchanting adventure as they discover the ancient healing mysteries of Ayurveda and Yoga in
Ayurveda Chronicles.
“Hi everyone, I’m Amala!”
A brave young girl who embarks upon a magical journey to unlock ancient healing mysteries…
Amala watches as the three doshas,
Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, are born of the
5 Great Elements – Space, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth.
“Hi! Look at me! I’m Vata Dosha. I can jump as high as the sky! And fly like a bird!”
A girl made of air and space who is bouncy, bubbly, and full of energy & ideas!
“Hey, watch it! My name is Pitta Dosha. Interesting… I must inquire as to why we have arrived here?”
A boy made of fire and water who is sharp, focused, and adventurous!
“I’m Kapha Dosha. We’re all doshas! Does that make us family?”
A girl made of earth and water who is gentle, kind, and loving!

Look inside the book!
Guru Publishing presents ‘Ayurveda Chronicles – The Adventures of Vata, Pitta, & Kapha’.
When Amala’s baby brother becomes ill, she sets out to seek answers. Along the way she learns that
her best hope lies with uncovering the ancient healing science of Ayurveda. But what is it and how to find it?

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